Who we are

A Sports Career Management and Intermediation agency based in Portugal with a strong presence in Africa and South America.

Our mission

Help build successful careers, make dreams come true.

What we do

We seek and agency new talent for the professional football market.

The Kool4You project

KOOL4YOU is a company specialized in Football and Intermediation Players Career Management, led by FIFA Agent Pedro Silva, licensed by the Portuguese Football Federation, which offers dynamic and integrated solutions, always seeking to exceed the expectations of our representatives and partners.
We are proud to be a Portuguese company, which is guided by the strictest codes of ethics and professionalism and, therefore, we work with the largest national and international clubs, so we are part of the solution and not the problem.
The past of almost two decades of dedication, seriousness and professionalism in the incessant search of the best opportunities for personal, sportive, patrimonial and commercial progression of our represented is only the guarantee that to enter KOOL4YOU is to belong to a family that every day grows towards the objectives.


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#? towards the goal